HOMEOfficial YouTube Channel Operating Policy

Official YouTube Channel Operating Policy

Shikino High-Tech Co., Ltd. Official Channel Operating Policy

Shikino High-Tech Co., Ltd. (“Shikino”) determined social media utilization and created the official YouTube channel (“this Channel”) in order to spread awareness about our company commitment.

Following this activity, Shikino established the basic policy to utilize and operate this Channel as follows. Your understanding and conformance with this policy and YouTube Terms of Service are highly appreciated.

1. Officlal Channel

Shikino High-Tech Co., Ltd. official YouTube channel
Channel name: Shikino High-Tech
URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpqfhZmkU8YzHduw2tO0Hfw/

2. Operating Policy

  1. Person in charge of operation management
    Head of the General Affairs Division
  2. Operational administrative organization
    General Affairs Division
  3. Authors
    Responsible staff of the General Affeairs Division
  4. Users
    All viewers using this page are considered to be users of this Channel. Users are able to register this Channel and create the playlist, and also share and evaluate this page.
  5. Service hours
    Shikino will upload and post videos and images on weekdays (Monday-Friday), from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in principle (Japan Standard Time).
  6. Contents to be submitted
    - Introduction of Shikino’s businesses, products and services
    - Exhibit announcements and reports
    Shikino will NOT accept any comments about the submitted contents in this Channel. For your questions and feedbacks, contact us via inquiry/contact form on our website: https://www.shikino.co.jp/eng/contact/index.html.
  8. Modification, suspension or termination of this Channel
    This Channel may be modified, suspended or terminated without any notice.

3. Disclaimer

  1. Shikino will NOT be liable for the channel contents, while doubly ensuring the information accuracy.
  2. Shikino will NOT be liable for any damages arising out of certain prohibited acts including an activity spoofing other users and any third parties.
  3. All information from Shikino posted on this Channel may not exactly match with our official announcements and perspectives.
    For the official announcements, see our website: https://www.shikino.co.jp/eng/.
  4. Shikino will NOT be liable for any troubles and disputes with regards to this Channel among users or between users and any third parties.
  5. Shikino will NOT be liable for any user comments to the contents of this Channel.
  6. Shikino’s official YouTube account is limited to the version specified in this policy. Shikino will NOT be liable for any similar or same accounts operated by any third parties.
  7. Shikino may not be able to respond to users with inquiries sufficiently after the operation hours set forth in (5) of Clause 2.

4. Intellectual Property Rights

  1. Intellectual property rights regarding the media contents in this Channel remain the property of Shikino or any person having authorized rights. Duplication, reproduction and secondary use of the items posted on the pages in this Channel are NOT allowed without Shikino’s permission EXCEPT these cases below.
    The Copyright Act authorizes “duplication for private usage” and “citation” and otherwise.
  2. Users specify citations such as reflecting on their social media feeds by utilizing the functions including “share” and “evaluate” without modifying the contents subject to reproduction.
  3. Such intellectual property rights regarding comments from YouTube users remain the property of users, however, users shall assign Shikino a worldwide, non-exclusive and royalty-free right to use the contents included in
    comments and agree that they do not exercise intellectual property rights to Shikino.

5. Protection of Personal Information

Shikino properly handles acquired personal information in accordance with its personal information protection regulations and relevant laws.

6. Publicity and Modification of the Operating Policy

This policy is posted on our website: https://www.shikino.co.jp/eng/. Also, this policy may be modified without any notice, if necessary.

7. Effective Date

This policy is effective from May 1, 2015.

Akito Miyamoto, President
Shikino High-Tech, Co., Ltd
Established on May 1, 2015
Last revised on September 1, 2022

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